| ***** Für mich klar ihr bestes Album bisher!!<br><br>Grosse Hitdichte und zudem für mich das gradlienigste Album der Girls! <br> Last edited: 13.11.2020 21:37 |
| **** Ik heb niks met Little Mix, hoe slecht ze ook zijn/waren.. er staan hier wel een paar leuke nummers op. Last edited: 19.11.2016 14:49 |
| **** Shout Out To My Ex *** **<br>Touch *** **<br>F.U. *** *<br>Oops *** **<br>You Gotta Not *** *<br>Down & Dirty *** **<br>Power *** *<br>Your Love *** *<br>Nobody Like You *** *<br>No More Sad Songs *** *<br>Private Show *** *<br>Nothing Else Matters *** **<br>Beep Beep *** *<br>Freak *** *<br><br>4.36 - 4*<br><br>Tatsächlich mein erstes Little Mix-Album, und auch sonst kenne ich mich abgesehen von ein paar sehr wenigen Songs nicht wirklich mit dieser Girlband aus. "Glory Days" ist aber bereits ihr viertes Album, und in den UK hat es sich schon fast 90,000 mal verkauft - nach nur einer Woche!! <br>"Glory Days" ist dann in etwa so ausgefallen, wie ich erwartet habe. Gutes Pop-Album mit teils eingängigen und modernen Pop-Songs. Wer "Shout Out To My Ex" mochte, wird wohl auch andere Tracks mögen. Meine Highlights sind "Oops", "Nothing Else Matters" und die bereits erwähnte Lead-Single, welche auch gleich als Opener dient. |
| * Wer einen garantierten Ohrenschaden will, ist mit dieser CD gut bedient.... Nein, im Ernst. Auf solch eine Girlie-Gruppe hat die Welt nicht gewartet. Wenn sie wenigstens einigermassen singen könnten, aber da ist Hopfen und Malz verloren. Schlechter sind nur noch die "Amigos". |
| **** Another strong collection from them as they develop.<br><br>173 weeks in the UK top 100. 249,362 sold while #1. <br><br>29 weeks UK top 10. UK#1 (5 weeks).<br>Ireland#1 (4 weeks).<br><br>US#25.<br><br>1.2 million copies sold in the UK.<br><br>The biggest selling girlband album of 2016 and 2017 in the UK.<br> Last edited: 29.10.2021 19:43 |
| ***** This one is a really interesting one. I genuinely think this is their most mature album to date. Lyrically (besides the odd discrepancy, the "motorbike" line in "Power" for example) and production wise it's miles ahead of the rest of their catalogue, and also continues to show that all four girls are incredibly talented vocally. In saying that though it is also their most generic sounding album to date. Little Mix have always in my opinion showed with each single release another trick out of their book, every single sounded different from their last and brought something new to the table, that is probably the big thing lacking from this album as a whole. <br><br>One thing that is a consistency throughout everything Little Mix have done since they won the X-Factor is show incredible vocal talent. Their harmonies are insane, especially compared to other girl groups around at the moment. Those harmonies and vocal moments are present on almost every track on the album, in particular the incredible acoustic version of "Touch", and they continue to prove they are vocally the best girl group since Destiny's Child.<br><br>The only main problem I have with this album on the flip side is also it's biggest plus. On one hand some of the melodies are really unorthodox and are hard for me to get used too. The verses of "Power" and "Your Love" in particular, even though I do actually like both tracks, would be perfect examples of what I'm talking about. In saying that though, the finest moments on this record are in it's melodies. The chorus of "Touch", and the melodies in particular, are the finest of their career, and has resulted in the aforementioned track being my favourite Little Mix track to-date and one of the best pop tracks of the decade so far as well. The melodies of "Shout Out to My Ex" and "F.U." are also album highlights.<br><br>All-in-all for me I would say this is their best record to date, but there is still room for continued growth. This makes Little Mix for me one of the most interesting pop acts around at the moment and are a group that I absolutely adore and will continue to somewhat stan for.<br><br>Highlights: "Touch", "Shout Out to My Ex", "Down & Dirty", "F.U" and "Touch (Acoustic)" |
| ***** I'm not sure what I should think about this album. It's definitely not bad, but not all songs stand out from other average mainstream music. Their songs are empowering and full of energy. <br>They have extraordinary voices, but I miss slow ballades where that really stands out. <br>My favourites are Down & Dirty, F.U., Power or Freak. <br>Sad that they were only involved in the writingprocess of 4 songs, they are talented songwriters. |
| * Und das soll Musik sein?! |
| **** I like Little Mix quite a bit but for me this was a bit of a step backward. Although I'm happy that they tried something different, to me, for the most part, they don't sound so good - particularly thinking of Down & Dirty and Beep Beep which are both more cringey than anything else. Touch is a great song and probably one of the best of their career, the rest of the singles were decent too but I'm not big on this album as a whole, and I think I'll stick with Get Weird for now. 4.1/6 |
| ***** Glory Days ist ein ganz starkes Popalbum mit extrem vielen Ohrwürmern. Man möchte die Songs rauf und runter hören - viel zum tanzen, mitsingen, aber auch ruhigere Songs. Eine gute Mischung einfach. Ich habe mich für die Platinum Edition statt der Deluxe Edition entschieden, da sie für mich erstmal ansprechender war aufgrund der neuen Songs. |
| **** Von der Qualität her sicher ein Rückschritt vom Vorgängeralbum. Tatsächlich aber bis jetzt ihr einziges #1 Album und auch einziger Millionseller im UK. #25 USA<br>3,5* plus. |
| **** 3-4 |
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