| ** Sehr belanglos. Gute 2* |
| **** A decent effort, but still generic. The lyrics are great though. |
| *** Bit too plain for my liking. |
| *** Thankfully improves on the horrid Fight For You. |
| **** A good track, but it is ultimately forgettable. |
| *** Doesn't stand out, but thankfully it's not annoying. |
| **** ...treibt zügig voran - es scheint aber als ob JD sich selbst Mut machen müsste - Ungeschlagen?... |
| *** To all my people on the dance floor, set it off. |
| **** Gut! |
| *** Zeitgemässer Clubsound mit "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh" mittelprächtig, abgerundete 3.5
<br><br>reicht zunächst für #90 in den Billboard Hot 100
| *** Such an improvement on all of his releases from his last album, no autotune and the lyrics are positive and uplifting. Music still isn't that original though, but it's a lot more acceptable than Don't Wanna Go Home, It Girl, Breathing and Fight For You combined. |
| ***** Enjoying it! One of his best recent efforts. |
| *** Fairly decent. |
| ***** gut |
| ****** Zeer leuk en aanhoorbaar nummer van Jason Derulo. |
| *** ▒ Standaard plaatje, van de 22 jarige Amerikaanse zanger, songwriter, acteur en danser "Jason Joel Desrouleaux", beter bekent als "Jason Derülo", april 2012 !!! Deze single werd geschreven door fans en Derülo zelf, wat niet zo vaak voorkomt !!! Het plaatje zelf is niet iets speciaals of iets bijzonders, méér ø !!! Precies 3 sterren dus ☺!!! |
| **** Correct, sans plus. |
| *** Not awful but it sounds like Domino to me. |
| ** Yet another poor release, they're starting to add up now Mr DeRulo. |
| ** Derulo has never been any good. His songs have always got on my nerves, and this is no exception. |
| ** Luckily I didn't have to hear this as much as I did his other tracks. I still don't like it though. |
| **** Pretty catchy and I even like the rather generic and overproduced production. Not as atrocious vocally as usual too is good. Really enjoy the chorus and the song as a whole is good enough for 4*, easily one of his best. Last edited: 11.08.2015 14:10 |
| ***** *5 |
| *** 3 stars<br><br>CDN: -<br>USA: #90, 2012 |
| ****** Ist auf andere Weise besonders und bekommt nicht aus denselben Gründen, wie "Don't Wanna Go Home" oder "Breathing", die 6*, sondern weil es schlicht und ergreifend mich einfach jedes Mal in positive Stimmung versetzt, während obige eher perfekt für den Club und danach geeignet sind bzw. danach produziert wurden....Ach ja, DJ Frank E hat wieder daran mitgewirkt, dann ist es natürlich auch nicht verwunderlich.... |
| ***** Wie aus dem Nichts gefällt mir einer dieser Jason Derulo-Titel: Here it is. |
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