| ** Seicht und unnötig, gute 2*. |
| *** Der traut sich ja was - vermischt TOTO's Africa mit ClubHipHop - natürlich mischt RedOne auch mit - viel Aufregung um nichts ... |
| ** Hässliche Verwurstung von "Africa"! |
| ** Oh dear why does this exist?! Sucky ruination. |
| ** Another generic song from him. |
| ** Mit dem Sample des weltbekannten Toto-Titels wird er sich nicht viele Freunde machen schwach 2*
<br><br>eingestiegen auf #83 der Billboard Hot 100
| *** Dürürlö könn möhr! |
| **** Er hat wirklich etwas nachgelassen gegenüber seiner Debütsongs.<br><br>Die Songsverwurstung "Don`t Wanna Go Home" hat sich als richtiger Singlehit erwiesen u. wird gerne in Clubs gespielt.<br><br>"Fight For You" klingt aber ziemlich beliebig u. als wäre ein Boyband-Song von einer Person gesungen worden. Ganz mies u. der Ausfall ist es nicht aber etwas schwächelnd.<br><br>--- siehe da: gefällt mir jetzt deutlich besser, ganz nice, 4* wert ---- die Melodie ist abgekupfert :-) Last edited: 11.01.2012 02:15 |
| **** (Déjà) quatrième extrait de 'Future History'. |
| **** gut |
| **** netter Derülo-Track |
| *** An average track, and the beat is quite ok. But to be honest, this does nothing for me. |
| * What a way to ruin a great song. His worst yet. |
| **** Très bon extrait de "Future History". 4+ |
| *** Der Refrain ist Ordnung, ansonsten schnell vergessen. 3* |
| ** Bah! You can fuck right off anytime DeRulo. Why do you suck so much now? "Africa" is an awesome classic and this piece of shit takes that amazingness and turns it to crap. So, so generic and dull it may as well have been a Timomatic or Marvin Priest or Stan Walker song. |
| *** It seemed alright before it was released as a single (around when the album came out). It then become very generic and boring. Last edited: 21.04.2013 08:28 |
| * It's generic but it loses ALL of its points for trashing up one of the GREATEST '80s songs of all time! When will he go away? |
| *** Not that bad. |
| *** 0815 |
| * this guy is a fucking cunt, what right does he have ruining classic songs |
| ** I just don't get why this is his fourth consecutive top 10 hit from "Future History" in Australia? I don't understand why this is a top 10 hit, at least the past three singles were okay, but this, as everyone has already pointed out, has trashed an 80's classic. Thanks again DeRulo! |
| **** It's a shame that it's charting better than Breathing did. It's not his worst single to date, but far from his best too. A little too unoriginal, but it is quite catchy nonetheless. Last edited: 10.04.2012 07:30 |
| * There used to be a point in time where I actually thought Jason Derulo could sing. He's not talentless, he's a really good dancer, but sometimes I wish he would just stick to that. <br><br>This song, and in particular the chorus and the third verse are truly laughable. He sounds like T-Pain in parts, and not just one T-Pain, but three or four because of the layered vocals and runs that he does courtesy of autotune. He's really ridiculous as an artist! And yet this is not the worst song I've heard from him yet, or even on this album. Last edited: 29.03.2012 18:28 |
| **** I'll fight for you Jason and give your song a good review. I'm enjoying the use of Toto's classic 80s hit "Africa" in this. |
| ** einfallslos |
| ***** This is quite a strong R&B track. If accepting this does not undo the great work of Africa, then this is a solid production with a positive message.<br>A much improved last couple of releases from JD. 4.7*<br><br>EDIT: Still good, but down to 4.3*<br>EDIT: And back again 4.7* Last edited: 12.01.2013 14:59 |
| * Once again Derulo has screwed up another classic track - first "Show Me Love" and now he has a go at butchering "Africa". Terrible song. |
| *** Substandard. Gets a 2 because I feel that there is some passion in the vocals.<br><br>EDIT: Getting better. 2* -> 3* Last edited: 13.12.2012 15:07 |
| * S C H R O T T |
| *** |
| ** I never really cared for this track and the sample is rather pointless and just show's how much creation DeRulo really has. |
| ** This is rubbish and completely butchers "Africa". The vocals are terrible and the song is void of anything appealing at all. One of his worst. Last edited: 22.02.2014 10:18 |
| **** I actually don't mind this. His best up-tempo track. |
| * How not to sample a 80s song. |
| * 1 star |
| *** Could've been better. |
| **** okay |
| **** Bin überrascht über die so schlechte Bewertung hier. Naja... er kann wohl releasen was er will, die Australier machen es zu einem Hit. Auch mir gefällts ganz gut. 4* |
| *** Eigentlich hervorragend, wenn es nicht bestimmte Elemente im Song gegeben hätte, die mich daran erinnern ließen, dass dieser Song eigentlich auf ein Sample eines anderen (weitaus älteren und zugleich meiner Meinung nach auch leider uninteressanten) Song aufgebaut ist...soeben noch 3*! |
| **** Totos Africa wird eigentlich ganz geschickt mit eigenen Parts verwoben. |
| *** knappe 3<br><br>CDN: -<br>USA: #83, 2011 |
| *** Das Sample ist dezent. Das ist gut so. |
| |