| *** Tropical House mit R.I.O gekreuzt ... turned mit jetzt nicht an ... klingt so beliebig wie ... was weiß ich ... |
| *** ▒ De nu inmiddels 39 jarige: "Kevin Lyttle", alias: "Lescott Kevin Lyttle Coombs", scoorde eind 2003 een wereldhit met het origineel: "Turn Me On", een samenwerking met "Spragga Benz" !!! Deze cover versie is iets minder, maar zekers géén bagger ☺!!! |
| ***** Gefällt mir sehr gut. Coole Produktion, gute Stimme, sehr gut tanzbar und nicht zu aufdringlich, so mag ichs. An das aus meiner Sicht grandiose "Sex" kommts nicht ran aber gute 5* kann ich hier getrost vergeben! |
| *** Hach, so langsam weiß ich wirklich nicht mehr, was ich zu diesem gleichgeschalteten Standard-Sound noch sagen soll. Ist halt okay, aber immer und immer und immer wieder dasselbe. Langweilt massiv. |
| **** Prima song (en dat is al heel wat) Last edited: 29.07.2016 21:06 |
| **** Kennelijk is Cheat Codes erop gericht klassiekers van vroeger in een nieuw jasje te steken, en dat getuigt niet echt van originaliteit. 'Sex' sloeg eerlijk gezegd nergens op, maar dit plaatje vind ik nog best redelijk. Uiteraard luister ik veel liever naar het origineel, maar deze cover heeft sowieso al veel meer om het lijf dan 'Sex', dus ik zal niet streng zijn. |
| *** Etwas besser als "Sex", aber wieder gesampelt. Das können die wohl einfach am besten. |
| ** De nieuwe versie van Sex kon ik wel waarderen, in tegenstelling tot dit wanproduct. Wellicht dankzij het origineel dat toch al niet te pruimen was. |
| *** weniger |
| *** Geht so |
| *** ...solide drei... |
| ** wahrlich keine Meisterleistung hier auf das Kevin Lyttle-Stück zurückgegriffen zu haben abgerundete 2.5
| * Ach Du Schande. Können die nur covern? |
| *** ...weniger... |
| **** ich finde den track ok... 4 **** |
| **** ...man wartet und wartet und wartet und wenn es dann endlich mal beginnt, klingt es doch etwas besser als im Original - Stück dürfte kürzer sein -... |
| *** This was always going to be a crummy cover and surely enough it is. I would say that these Cheat Codes "people" should just write their own songs, however nobody is listening so Silento on repeat so that would obviously not go well. Also I'd rather they go away than keep trying. |
| **** This time I recognise the original! I shouldn't be enjoying it as much I do. 3.5 |
| **** Of course I was always gonna like this. :P |
| ** Ein uninspiriertes und langweiliges Cover eines schon langweiligen Songs. Nicht jeder alte Hit verdient es, nochmals aus der Versenkung geholt zu werden. "Weichspüler R&B" nannte sich das damals... Knapp keine 3. |
| **** |
| *** Können die auch was anderes als nur covern? Und dann suchen sie sich auch noch einen Song aus der sowieso nie besonders war! |
| ** I first came across Cheat Codes in December of last year and I really enjoyed the track in question. The last 6 months have had me severely disappointed, with them scoring two ARIA chart hits that I have not enjoyed. "Sex" is pretty vile so it was unlikely this was going to be worse, and it's an improvement. But covering a song I can kinda enjoy but not quite enjoy and retaining one of the elements that prevents me from doing that is a big no. The vocals on the original do hinder my liking of it, but the ones here are even worse. The vocalist here is so dull and lifeless it really ruins any potential of me thinking much of this. Which is a shame because that's a cool enough beat. A more lively remix could make this far more enjoyable in the right context, but otherwise I'll pass. |
| *** Back in April this year I made a joke that the charts would look like this in July, just to take a mockery of all the oddities in the charts at the time https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfatqn5UAAAQznC.jpg<br><br>THIS SONG WAS RELEASED ON JULY 1ST<br><br>Given the way of their previous single, when this came out, I refused to listen to any more than 29 seconds of it, because I didn't want to feed into lazy Spotify stats that I knew it would inevitably get. I mean, this has been listened to some 200 million times on Spotify alone, that's the hierarchy we get in a world where people cannot freely listen to Beyonce.<br><br>The thing is that "Turn Me On" is always a song I hear high praises of as a throwback to its time, and it's something I can appreciate but I just cannot get past Kevin Lyttle's weedy voice that feels out of place on it. Cheat Codes put a bit more energy into it, but the tone of his voice just doesn't sit right with me.<br><br>So lo and behold but what ends up salvaging this track for me is the tropical elements, with the pan flute breakdown feeling at least a little more inspired than the usual affair. Given that it's already a dancehall song, it's not much of a jarring shift to update it to a modern audience. I mean it's still cynical, lazy & indicative of the worst of modern music trends, but it has enough of a rush to it that I don't find it boring, so there's that. |
| *** Ça manque d'âme. |
| *** I really really want to enjoy this song as much as I want to but that "Listen to Silento on repeat" lyric really throws me out of mood for the rest of the song. |
| **** Gut. |
| ** schwach |
| **** Redelijk.. beter dan 'Sex'. |
| **** ganz nett |
| * I never liked the sample in the first instance and this is just garbage. |
| *** 3-4 |
| **** <br>Dieser typische Charts-Sound, darum hält sich meine Begeisterung in Grenzen.<br><br>2016: #36 UK |
| *** sub Standard |
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